Our story

Lily Hester

In July 2013 Lily Hester, our beautiful 8 year old daughter, was diagnosed with an extremely rare liver cancer. Our world was turned upside down. Lily endured over 6 months of chemotherapy, 6 operations, radiation amongst other tests, scans and many, many hospital visits. In January 2014, Lily did go into remission, however after another scan in March 2014 we were told the most devastating news of our lives – our daughter was terminally ill. Lily fought hard, was brave and an inspiration to us all, each and everyday – she still is. Lily so sadly passed away on the 11th of August 2014.

The foundation was established to honour Lily. The hope of the foundation will be to find a cure for childhood cancer so no child or parent has to endure what we did.

Our purpose

Live for Lily raises awareness and funds that will go directly towards research that is dedicated to finding a cure for childhood cancers. We are a not-for-profit foundation that is committed to ensuring that we will see an end to childhood cancer.

Our Board



Sianne worked in the public health system for more than 20 years, and was the mother of Lily Hester, and also to her two boys, Oliver and Archer. Along with Aaron, Sianne was the co-founder of the Live for Lily Foundation in 2016, yet sadly passed away on May 30th 2016. Her legacy is the Live for Lily Foundation and her passion and drive was to one day help cure childhood cancer.


Co-Founder & Director

I have been involved in teaching for as long as I can remember; I have coached all my kids’ basketball teams from the moment they could bounce a ball, but above all else I have loved being a dad to my kids. I started the Live for Lily Foundation so others don’t have to go through what we went through.


Director & Chief Financial Officer

Philip is a qualified accountant and a lifelong friend of Aaron and the Hester family. Philip is a father to three boys, Mac, Seamus and Fionn, and he and his family are committed to doing all they can to help the Foundation achieve its mission to one day see an end to childhood cancer. Philip is responsible for the financial management and governance activities of the Foundation.



Steele joined Live for Lily because he felt it was the best way to offer his legal skills in the fight against childhood cancer. Steele’s partner, who is a nurse in paediatric oncology, inspired him to do what he can to help progress research in the field. Steele hopes that his diverse professional experience and legal skills will support the important work that the Foundation does on its mission towards ending childhood cancer.